HOPE was recognized on November 4th at the Catholic Charities Southwest Ohio Champions of Mercy Awards Dinner as a Champion of Mercy by showing compassion, love and mercy toward others.
“Champions of Mercy are the humble servants who feed the hungry, tend the sick, comfort the lonely and protect the vulnerable. They inspire others to be merciful to neighbors and strangers alike.”
HOPE is grateful to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and their schools who have collaborated with the Latin Patriarchate Schools in Jordan, Palestine and Israel: St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School, All Saints, St. Mary (Hyde Park), St. Lawrence, St. James Wyoming (now closed), Moeller High School, McNicholas High School, St. Veronica, St. John 23rd, St. Columban, Mother of Mercy High School, Our Lady of Lourdes, IHM, St. Antoninus, St. Peter Claver for Boys (closed), Cardinal Pacelli, St. Mary (Hillsboro), St. Peter in Chains (Hamilton), and St. Michael (Ripley).
Many thanks also to the Sisters of Charity, Talents Unlimited and the countless others who have shown love and mercy toward our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. HOPE also expresses gratitude to Abouna Iyad Twal (Director General of the Latin Patriarchate Schools) and the teachers and staff of the LP Schools who have collaborated with the AOC schools since 2010.
Peace begins in the classroom when we listen to the children and understand the mission of fulfilling God’s will by meeting their needs and giving them HOPE.
Congratulations to all affiliated with HOPE. Blessings on you and on your sacred mission.
Congratulations, a well deserved award. You all make me proud to have been a small part of HOPE. You all continue to be in my prayers. Blessings and Peace,
S. Kathryn Ann