HOPE celebrates a year of learning, growing, sharing, changes and saying good-bye to two dear friends.
Nadia Tuffaha and Wafa Abu Zant continued to make great strides in spreading Talents Unlimited to schools throughout the West Bank. The result: children discovering their many talents and developing a love of learning!
Nancy Hemminger retired as president of HOPE and Ann Andriacco became our new president.
In August our beloved friend and now intercessor Father Faysal Hijazen was called to Eternal Life.
Abouna Iyad Twal was appointed General Director of the Latin Patriarchate Schools in the West Bank and Israel.
Marge Fenlon gave a presentation benefiting HOPE on her book Mary Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena. She addressed the knots in our lives while she reflected on nine sacred sites associated with Pope Francis’ 2014 pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Another dear friend of HOPE, Sister Kateri Koverman passed to Eternal Life in October. Sister brought hope to hundreds of people throughout the world who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, including children in Palestine.
The 2016 pilgrims met three times in preparation for their pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Hundreds of prayer requests were gathered and placed in a special book which was set near the altar table at every Mass we celebrated in the Holy Land.
This pilgrimage provided another first for newly ordained Father Chris Geiger as our shepherd.
Old friends reunited and new friendships formed.
HOPE Board Member Greg Male received the pilgrim shell of the Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
Lives were touched and ours were changed.
We walked in the steps of Jesus and as always gave all glory, honor, praise and thanks to Him, for because of Him we are HOPE!
Submitted by: JoAnne Lacey
A memorable and productive year for HOPE. May the coming year be all you dream it will be and more. Blessings of All and on your mission to promote peace in the Holy Land through education and understanding.
Thank you Nancy for teaching how to passes love , kindness ,givness to whom they need .If I learn something from you it will be if you believe you can and every thing is possible.And thank you for knowing my friends Father Rob,Cindy,Grege,Kelly,andJeo .
Lovd you