Sonia who is from Zababdeh, Palestine is married and has three children: Hala 16, Victoria 13, and Ghaleb 12. She teaches second and third grade English at the LP School in Zababdeh. Sonia loves seeing her students grow in their knowledge and use of the English language. Sonia has used the Talents Unlimited program in her classroom and is looking forward to learning and using more of the tools of the program, as well as sharing ideas with her colleagues. She will be partnering with Mary Miller who teaches at All Saints School. JoAnne and Ken Lacey will be hosting Sonia in their home in Milford. This will be her first visit to the USA. HOPE is looking forward to your visit, Sonia!
Welcome to Sonia Ibrahim from Palestine!
May your visit be fruitful in promoting understanding
Of the peoples of the Holy Land, especially the Christians!
Father Bill Dorrmann