The work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry of teaching was so evident as I worked alongside my partner teachers at LPS Beit Jala. Mirna, Nuha, and Rula graciously accepted me into their classrooms and it was a joy to work with them and their students. I was so very impressed with the quality and rigor of the English program, which I witnessed in grades 6, 9, 10, and 11. Watching sixth graders master progressive continuous verb tense – We have been growing cotton in this area since the last century – with English as their second language was exciting, and confirmed for me the importance of teaching formal grammar in my own classroom.
The 11th grade class was a high energy group and included 5 seminary students. Being with these teens who embrace their call to vocation at such a tender age was an inspiration.
I am so grateful to HOPE for giving me this unique opportunity, and so grateful to my principal for allowing me time out of my own classroom to share in the school day of our LPS partners. Experiencing their school day illustrated the universal ministry of Catholic education. We have similar joys and challenges as we work for the common good within our little sphere of influence.
I returned to my classroom, re-energized by the gratifying knowledge that halfway around the world, I have sisters and brothers who share in the mission of the Church as we each use the special charism bestowed on us by the Holy Spirit to carry out the ministry of teaching. I look forward to welcoming our LPS partners into our schools in fall, 2017!
Submitted by: Sharon Bohlen
Blessings on you and on all of your endeavors, educational and otherwise.